Ecole des Mines de Nantes, 4 rue Alfred-Kastler, Nantes 44307, France
Institut de Recherches en Communications et en Cybernetique de Nantes, 1 rue de la Noe, 44321 Nantes, France
(Accepted to "Mechanism and Machine Theory 46 (2011) 662–679")
A: Algorithms for stiffness modeling
A.1 Pseudo-code for computing of equilibrium configuration
for given end-effector location
A.2 Pseudo-code for computing of equilibrium configuration for given external loading
Stiffness analysis of a serial kinematic chain
B.1 Geometric model of the chain
B.2 Stiffness models of the chain
B.3 Parameterization of stiffness models
B.4 Stiffness analysis for Model A
B.5 Stiffness analysis for Model B
B.6 Stiffness analysis for Model C
C: Stiffness analysis of translational parallel manipulator
C.1 Kinetostatic models
C.2 Stiffness analysis for 3-PUU model
C.3 Stiffness analysis for model 3-PUcUc
C.4 Buckling in the neighborhood of the flat configuration
D: Animated illustrations of buckling phenomena in manipulators
D.1 Serial kinematic chain
D.2 Orthoglide manipulators