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ECOOP 2006 logo

July 3-7, Nantes (France)

The following half-day tutorials will be held either on monday (July, 3rd) or tuesday (July, 4th).
Please read the information for attendees.


Overview of the tutorials schedule
Monday July 3rd Tuesday July 4th
Morning (9:00–12:30) T1 T3 T5 T7 T9 T11
Afternoon (14:00–17:30) T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12

Tutorials on Monday, July 3rd.

Morning (9:00–12:30)

Afternoon (14:00–17:30)

Tutorials on Tuesday, July 4th.

Morning (9:00–12:30)

Afternoon (14:00–17:30)

Information for attendees

In order to attend tutorials, you have to register either as a tutorial-only attendee, as a workshop-only attendee, or as a regular attendee. The latter includes access to workshops and to the main conference. Your registration fee depends on the number of tutorials you attend.