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ECOOP 2006 logo


Contact list
Technical paper submission: ecooppc2006...please ignore this...@bedarra.com
Workshop chairs: consel...please ignore this...@labri.fr and Mario.Sudholt...please ignore this...@irisa.fr
Workshop proposals: workshop-ecoop2006...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Tutorial chairs: antoine.beugnard...please ignore this...@enst-bretagne.fr and ledoux...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Tutorial proposals: tutorial-ecoop2006...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Webmaster: webecoop...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Registration: registration-ecoop2006...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Posters: posters-ecoop...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Demos: demos-ecoop...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Student Volunteers: guehene...please ignore this...@iro.umontreal.ca

Registration: the most efficient way to contact us about your registration is by email: registration-ecoop2006...please ignore this...@emn.fr.
If however you need to contact us by phone, use (+33) 2 51 85 85 51 at office hours. Note that the person in charge of the registrations is also in charge of other ECOOP-related tasks, which implies that she is not always in her office. In that case, after a while, your call will be automatically forwarded to the EMN reception desk. Do not get surprised, then, if the speaker cannot help you with your ECOOP specific problem.

The postal address and phone number of the Organizing Chairs are the following:

Postal addresses
Pierre Cointe
Ecole des Mines de Nantes
4, rue Alfred Kastler
Tel. (+33) 2 51 85 82 02
pierre.cointe...please ignore this...@emn.fr
Jean Bézivin
Faculté des Sciences
2, rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208
Tel. (+33) 2 51 12 58 13
Jean.Bezivin...please ignore this...@univ-nantes.fr