Deliverables & Proceedings


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(Created page with "Public deliverables of the project to download. {| class="wikitable" |- ! colspan="2" style="font-style:bold;color:balck| <big>Work Package 6</big> |- |- style="font-style:…")
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| D 6.5 &rarr; Press Announcement informing on the progress of the project [[Media:PressAnnouncement.pdf|(PDF)]]
| D 6.5 &rarr; Press Announcement informing on the progress of the project [[Media:PressAnnouncement.pdf|(PDF)]]
| align="center"  | AMPHOS
| align="center"  | AMPHOS
| D 6.8 &rarr; Annual and training workshop proceedings [[Media:Proceeding1AWS.pdf|(PDF)]]
| align="center"  | ARMINES

Revision as of 08:21, 12 June 2012

Public deliverables of the project to download.

Work Package 6
Deliverables Lead Beneficiary
D 6.2 → Poster presentation (PDF) AMPHOS
D 6.3 → Project presentation (PDF) ARMINES
D 6.4 → Communication Action Plan (PDF) ARMINES
D 6.5 → Press Announcement informing on the progress of the project (PDF) AMPHOS
D 6.8 → Annual and training workshop proceedings (PDF) ARMINES
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