Uses of Class

Packages that use LiteNode

Uses of LiteNode in fr.emn.inputeditor

Subclasses of LiteNode in fr.emn.inputeditor
 class LitePin
          Une classe vite fait pour representer les pins

Methods in fr.emn.inputeditor that return LiteNode
 LiteNode JParamDialog.getCurrentNode()
protected static LiteNode Proxy.createNode(Configuration c, GenericProperties p, Device d)
          Creates a lite node with its properties, usually for deserialization.
protected static LiteNode Proxy.createNode(Configuration c, java.lang.String label, Device device)
          Creates a LiteNode and fill its slots, according to the given device.
static LiteNode Proxy.createNodeCopy(LiteNode source)
          Creates a copy of a LiteNode, assigned with a new copied device.
static LiteNode Proxy.createNodeShortcut(LiteNode source)
          Creates a copy of a LiteNode, assigned with the same device.
static LiteNode[][] Proxy.doPrepareRunning(LiteDesk c)
static LiteNode[] Proxy.updateDesk(LiteDesk c)
          Updates this desk with current config and returns nodes that need to be redisplayed.
 LiteNode MyPickedList.getTopNode()

Methods in fr.emn.inputeditor with parameters of type LiteNode
 void ProxyListener.nodesOpened(LiteDesk c, LiteNode[] d)
 void ProxyListener.nodesFailed(LiteDesk c, LiteNode[] d)
 void JParamDialog.showNode(LiteNode node)
static void LiteShortcut.invalidateShortcuts(LiteNode n)
 void JDeskView.dropNode(LiteNode l, LiteGhost layout, boolean singleNode)
          A new node has just been dragged to the desk - perform some things.
 void JDeskView.nodesOpened(LiteDesk d, LiteNode[] n)
 void JDeskView.nodesFailed(LiteDesk d, LiteNode[] n)
static java.lang.String Proxy.getNodeAlias(LiteDesk desk, LiteNode node)
static LiteNode Proxy.createNodeCopy(LiteNode source)
          Creates a copy of a LiteNode, assigned with a new copied device.
static LiteNode Proxy.createNodeShortcut(LiteNode source)
          Creates a copy of a LiteNode, assigned with the same device.
static void Proxy.doAddNode(LiteDesk c, LiteNode node)
static boolean Proxy.doChangeNodeParameter(LiteDesk desk, LiteNode node, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
static void Proxy.mutate(LiteDesk d, LiteNode n)
          Force a single device to mutate without propagating mutations (used for debugging).
static boolean Proxy.doPrepareRunning(LiteDesk c, LiteNode n)
static void Proxy.doRemoveNode(LiteDesk c, LiteNode node)
static java.lang.String Proxy.getDescription(LiteDesk desk, LiteNode node)
protected static Device Proxy.getDevice(LiteNode node)
static java.util.Vector Proxy.getEquivalentNodes(LiteNode node)
          Returns all the nodes with the same device.
protected static java.lang.String Proxy.getError(LiteNode node)
static java.lang.String Proxy.getHelp(LiteDesk desk, LiteNode node)
protected static LiteSlot Proxy.getLiteSlot(LiteNode n, Slot s)
static java.util.Vector Proxy.getNodeParameters(LiteNode node)
          Returns the names and types of the device parameters in the form: [String] [Class] [String] [Class] ...
static java.lang.Object Proxy.getNodeParameterValue(LiteNode node, java.lang.String name)
static boolean Proxy.isNodeActive(LiteNode node)
          Returns true if the device is openable.
static boolean Proxy.isNodeMutable(LiteNode node)
          Returns true if the device is mutable.
protected static void Proxy.updateNode(LiteNode node)
          Updates a LiteNode object.
static void Proxy.doChangeLabel(LiteDesk d, LiteNode n, java.lang.String lbl)
static boolean Proxy.isSmallSize(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode n, LiteNode ln)
protected static void Proxy.fireNodesOpened(LiteDesk d, LiteNode[] n)
protected static void Proxy.fireNodesFailed(LiteDesk d, LiteNode[] n)
 void ShortcutGroup.add(LiteNode n)
 void ShortcutGroup.remove(LiteNode n)
 void ShortcutGroup.invalidate(LiteNode n)

Constructors in fr.emn.inputeditor with parameters of type LiteNode
LiteShortcut(LiteNode n1, LiteNode n2)

Uses of LiteNode in fr.emn.reactiveinput

Methods in fr.emn.reactiveinput with parameters of type LiteNode
protected static Device XMLWriter.getDevice(LiteNode node)