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We re-implement Griswold's example of program restructuring in order to change the primary axis of modularity (example coming form Parnas).
Reference : W. G. Griswold, “Program Restructuring as an Aid to Software Maintenance”, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report 91-08-04, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, July 1991.
The source code is available in the download section. The archive from the download section contains:
module Input where import PreludeExt putfile linelist = putfile_aux linelist emptylist where insline [] linestorage = linestorage insline line linestorage = line : linestorage putfile_aux [] accu = accu putfile_aux (e:r) accu = putfile_aux r (insline e accu) |
module Shifter where import PreludeExt import Input import Array default_value = (0,0) cssetup::[[String]]-> (Int , Int, Array Int (Int,Int)) cssetup linestorage = cssetup_aux 0 0 circ_index_0 where circ_index_0 = array (0,numcslines) [(i, default_value) | i <- [0..numcslines]] numlines = length linestorage numcslines = allwords linestorage where allwords ls = allwords_aux ls 0 where allwords_aux [] sum = sum allwords_aux (e:r) sum = allwords_aux r (sum + length e) cssetup_aux cslineno lineno circ_index= if lineno /= numlines then let aux2 cslineno_arg wordno circ_index = if wordno /= numwords then aux2 (cslineno_arg + 1) (wordno + 1) (circ_index//[(cslineno_arg,(lineno, wordno))]) else (cslineno_arg, circ_index) where numwords = length (nth linestorage lineno) in let (cslineno', circ_index') = aux2 cslineno 0 circ_index in cssetup_aux cslineno' (lineno + 1) circ_index' else (cslineno, lineno, circ_index) |
module Alphabet where import PreludeExt import Input import Shifter import Array alph:: Array Int (Int,Int) -> [[String]] -> Array Int (Int,Int) alph circ_index line_storage = qalph 0 (numitems - 1) (alph_aux 0 alph_index0 circ_index) where numitems = snd (bounds circ_index) alph_index0 = array (0,numitems) [(i,default_value) | i <- [0..numitems]] alph_aux i aindex cindex = if i /= numitems then alph_aux (i+1) (aindex//[(i,(cindex!i))]) cindex else aindex csline_inf shift1 shift2 ls = inf_aux 0 where csword (lno,fwno) wordno ls = nth (nth ls lno) (mod (fwno + wordno) (length (nth ls lno))) cswords shift ls = length (nth ls (fst shift)) lasti = min (cswords shift1 ls) (cswords shift2 ls) inf_aux i = let maxed_ = (i == lasti) cword1 = csword shift1 i ls cword2 = csword shift2 i ls in if (maxed_ || (not (cword1 == cword2))) then if maxed_ then lasti <= (cswords shift2 ls) else cword1 <= cword2 else inf_aux (i+1) swap_indices::Array Int (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Array Int (Int,Int) swap_indices vec i j = let tempi = vec!i tempj = vec!j in vec // [(i,tempj),(j,tempi)] qsplit start end split alph_index = let (l,aind) = qsplit_aux (start+1) end start (swap_indices alph_index start split) aind2 = swap_indices aind split (l-1) in (aind2, l-1) where qsplit_aux low high split alph_index = if not (low > high) then if csline_inf (alph_index!low) (alph_index!split) line_storage then qsplit_aux (low+1) high split alph_index else qsplit_aux low (high-1) split (swap_indices alph_index low high) else (low, alph_index) qalph start end alph_index= if start < end then let split = start (aindex,middle) = qsplit start end split alph_index aindex' = qalph start (middle-1) aindex in qalph (middle+1) end aindex' else alph_index |
module Output where import PreludeExt import Input import Alphabet import Array string_of_list l = foldl (\ a b -> a ++ b) "" l allalphcslines line_storage alph_index = allalphcslines_aux 0 "" where allalphcslines_aux i accu = if i /= numcslines then let s = string_of_list (csline (alph_index!i) line_storage) in allalphcslines_aux (i+1) (accu ++ "\n" ++ s) else accu where numcslines = snd (Array.bounds alph_index) csline (lno,fwno) ls = reverse (csline_aux [] 0) where csline_aux revcs i = if (i /= wrdcnt) then csline_aux ((nth (nth ls lno) (mod (i + fwno) wrdcnt)) : revcs) (i+1) else revcs wrdcnt = length (nth ls lno) |
module Main where import PreludeExt import Input import Shifter import Alphabet import Output l = putfile [ ["a","b","c","d"] , ["one"] , ["hey", "this" , "is" , "different"] , ["a","b","c","d"] ] (a,b,s) = cssetup l s' = alph s l res = allalphcslines l s' main = putStrLn res |
This view is the result of the transformation.
module LineStorage where import PreludeExt allwords ls = allwords_aux ls 0 where allwords_aux [] sum = sum allwords_aux (e:r) sum = allwords_aux r (sum + length e) line ls lno = nth ls lno emptyStorage = emptylist ls_words nth linestorage lineno = length (nth linestorage lineno) ls_lines linestorage = length linestorage insline [] linestorage = linestorage insline line linestorage = line : linestorage |
module Input where import PreludeExt import LineStorage (insline,emptyStorage) putfile linelist = putfile_aux linelist emptyStorage where putfile_aux [] accu = accu putfile_aux (e:r) accu = putfile_aux r (insline e accu) |
module Shifter where import PreludeExt import Input import Array import LineStorage (ls_lines,ls_words,line,allwords) printable_csline (lno,fwno) ls = reverse (csline_aux [] 0) where csline_aux revcs i = if (i /= wrdcnt) then csline_aux ((nth (line ls lno) (mod (i + fwno) wrdcnt)) : revcs) (i+1) else revcs wrdcnt = length (line ls lno) csline cindex i = cindex ! i cslines circ_index = snd (bounds circ_index) csline_inf shift1 shift2 ls = inf_aux 0 where lasti = min (cswords shift1 ls) (cswords shift2 ls) inf_aux i = let maxed_ = (i == lasti) cword1 = csword shift1 i ls cword2 = csword shift2 i ls in if (maxed_ || (not (cword1 == cword2))) then if maxed_ then lasti <= (cswords shift2 ls) else cword1 <= cword2 else inf_aux (i+1) cswords shift ls = length (line ls (fst shift)) csword (lno,fwno) wordno ls = (nth (line ls lno) (mod (fwno + wordno) (length (line ls lno)))) default_value = (0,0) cssetup::[[String]]-> (Int , Int, Array Int (Int,Int)) cssetup linestorage = cssetup_aux 0 0 circ_index_0 where circ_index_0 = array (0,numcslines) [(i, default_value) | i <- [0..numcslines]] numlines = (ls_lines linestorage) numcslines = allwords linestorage cssetup_aux cslineno lineno circ_index= if lineno /= numlines then let aux2 cslineno_arg wordno circ_index = if wordno /= numwords then aux2 (cslineno_arg + 1) (wordno + 1) (circ_index//[(cslineno_arg,(lineno, wordno))]) else (cslineno_arg, circ_index) where numwords = (ls_words nth linestorage lineno) in let (cslineno', circ_index') = aux2 cslineno 0 circ_index in cssetup_aux cslineno' (lineno + 1) circ_index' else (cslineno, lineno, circ_index) |
module Alphabet where import PreludeExt import Input import Shifter import Array alphcslines alph_index = snd (Array.bounds alph_index) alphcsline (!) alph_index i = alph_index ! i alph:: Array Int (Int,Int) -> [[String]] -> Array Int (Int,Int) alph circ_index line_storage = qalph 0 (numitems - 1) (alph_aux 0 alph_index0 circ_index) where numitems = (cslines circ_index) alph_index0 = array (0,numitems) [(i,default_value) | i <- [0..numitems]] alph_aux i aindex cindex = if i /= numitems then alph_aux (i+1) (aindex//[(i,((csline cindex i)))]) cindex else aindex swap_indices::Array Int (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Array Int (Int,Int) swap_indices vec i j = let tempi = vec!i tempj = vec!j in vec // [(i,tempj),(j,tempi)] qsplit start end split alph_index = let (l,aind) = qsplit_aux (start+1) end start (swap_indices alph_index start split) aind2 = swap_indices aind split (l-1) in (aind2, l-1) where qsplit_aux low high split alph_index = if not (low > high) then if csline_inf (alph_index!low) (alph_index!split) line_storage then qsplit_aux (low+1) high split alph_index else qsplit_aux low (high-1) split (swap_indices alph_index low high) else (low, alph_index) qalph start end alph_index= if start < end then let split = start (aindex,middle) = qsplit start end split alph_index aindex' = qalph start (middle-1) aindex in qalph (middle+1) end aindex' else alph_index |
module Output where import PreludeExt import Input import Alphabet hiding () import Array import Shifter (printable_csline) string_of_list l = foldl (\ a b -> a ++ b) "" l allalphcslines line_storage alph_index = allalphcslines_aux 0 "" where allalphcslines_aux i accu = if i /= numcslines then let s = string_of_list (printable_csline ((alphcsline (!) alph_index i)) line_storage) in allalphcslines_aux (i+1) (accu ++ "\n" ++ s) else accu where numcslines = (alphcslines alph_index) |
module Main where import PreludeExt import Input import Shifter import Alphabet import Output l = putfile [ ["a","b","c","d"] , ["one"] , ["hey", "this" , "is" , "different"] , ["a","b","c","d"] ] (a,b,s) = cssetup l s' = alph s l res = allalphcslines l s' main = putStrLn res |
;; The haskell initial program differs from Griswold's Scheme implementation. ;; The main differences are : ;; - there are no references to global mutable variables (no state monad), ;; - modules are syntactically defined. ;; Remark : In the data-oriented architecture, it would be better to aim at ;; an abstract data-type for line storages. ;; Move out function insline (p.171) (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "putfile" "insline" "Input") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "insline" "Input" "LineStorage" ) ;; Extract function lines (p.171) (haskell-refac-newDefFunAppIn "numlines" "length" "1" "ls_lines" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "cssetup" "ls_lines" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "ls_lines" "Shifter" "LineStorage" ) ;; Extract function words (p.171) & fold its occurences (p.178) (haskell-refac-newDefFunAppIn "numwords" "length" "1" "ls_words" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "cssetup" "ls_words" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-foldToplevelDefinition "ls_words" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "ls_words" "Shifter" "LineStorage" ) ;; The empty line storage is abstracted (instead of empty list) (haskell-refac-newDefIdentIn "putfile" "emptylist" "emptyStorage" "Input") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "putfile" "emptyStorage" "Input") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "emptyStorage" "Input" "LineStorage" ) ;; move csline_inf and expose csword & cswords (p.173) (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "alph" "csline_inf" "Alphabet") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "csline_inf" "Alphabet" "Shifter" ) (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "csline_inf" "csword" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "csline_inf" "cswords" "Shifter") ;; Extract cslines (p.173) (haskell-refac-newDefFunAppIn "numitems" "snd" "1" "cslines" "Alphabet") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "alph" "cslines" "Alphabet") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "cslines" "Alphabet" "Shifter" ) ;; Extract cslines (p.173) (haskell-refac-newDefInfixAppIn "alph_aux" "!" "csline" "Alphabet") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "alph" "csline" "Alphabet") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "csline" "Alphabet" "Shifter" ) ;; Rename csline and move it to the shift module (p.175) (haskell-refac-renameLocal "csline" "Output" "printable_csline") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "allalphcslines" "printable_csline" "Output") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "printable_csline" "Output" "Shifter" ) ;; Extract alphcsline (p.175) (haskell-refac-newDefInfixAppIn "allalphcslines_aux" "!" "alphcsline" "Output") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "allalphcslines" "alphcsline" "Output") ;; pb with HaRe : even : is abstracted while lifting (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "alphcsline" "Output" "Alphabet" ) ;; Extract alphcslines (p.175) (haskell-refac-newDefFunAppIn "numcslines" "snd" "1" "alphcslines" "Output") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "allalphcslines" "alphcslines" "Output") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "alphcslines" "Output" "Alphabet" ) ;; Fold the occurences of line (p.178) ;; Some syntactic occurence do not match the intended use of line. ;; These instances are unfolded to revert to the original code ;; (the state of the program is temporary not satisfactory before the unfolding). (haskell-refac-newDefFunAppInTo "csword" "nth" "2" "ls" "line" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "csword" "line" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-foldToplevelDefinition "line" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-foldToplevelDefinition "line" "Shifter") ;; a second time to fold nested occurences (haskell-refac-unfoldInstanceIn "line" "printable_csline" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-unfoldInstanceIn "line" "csword" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "line" "Shifter" "LineStorage" ) ;; Move out allwords (p.179) (haskell-refac-makeGlobalOfLocalIn "cssetup" "allwords" "Shifter") (haskell-refac-moveDefBetweenModules "allwords" "Shifter" "LineStorage" )