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1 Sep 17
Talk by visiting Prof. E. Elmroth, Umea University on Cloud Control: A Guided Tour through a Smorgasboard of Cloud Resource Allocation Challenges and their Solutions

1 Sep 17
Talk by visiting Prof. M. Parashar, Rutgers University on Computing in the Continuum: Harnessing a Pervasive Data Ecosystem

1 Sep 17
HDR Defense: Adrien Lebre

4 Apr 17
Invited talk: M. Sudholt on Advanced Modularity for the Cloud at Modularity'17, Brussels, Belgium

3 Feb 17
Invited talk: T. Ledoux on Software elasticity for frugal Clouds at IMAG, Grenoble

3 Jan 17
Talk: Ph. Mulet (IBM): Continuous Delivery avec Bluemix Toolchains

24 Nov 16
Talk: Th. Coquand (U Gothenburg): Théorie homotopique et théorie cubique des types

24 Nov 16
HDR defense: N. Tabareau: Rendre Compte de la Complexité Logique et Calculatoire à travers des Transformations de Programmes

18 Oct 16
PhD defense: J. Pastor: "Contributions on massively distributed Cloud Computing infrastructures"

1 Oct 16
Staff: Two new colleagues join the team: Guillaume Munch (Inria CR2), Hélène Coullon (MA Mines Nantes/Chaire Inria)

26 Apr. 16
Demo: B. Walid: AccLab, AccMon frameworks at "New techniques against digital malware": organized by Inria Nancy, France

10 Mar. 16
Visit and talk: Fabien Hermenier, U. Nice

20 Feb. 16
Project accepted: PrivGen: Privacy-preserving sharing and processing of genetic data, CominLabs excellence cluster

Sep. 15
Invited talk: Adrien Lebre at the SUCCESS WS, Paris, France

Sep. 15
Inria project lab Discovery inaugurated

9 Mar. 2015
PhD defense:Asad Syed Navi on systems of systems

20 Jan. 2015
HDR defense:Rémi Douence on non-modular modular composition

3-6 Dec. 14
Visit and talk:Guido Salvaneschi (ST group, TU Darmstadt) on Reactive distributed programming

18 Nov. 14
Nicolas Tabareau receives an ERC Starting Grant on homotopic type extensions for theorem proving

15 Nov. 14
Article: A Taxonomy of Domain-Specific Aspect Languages, accepted at ACM Computing Surveys

10 Nov. 14
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at Software Technology Group (Prof. Mira Mezini) on efficient Cloud algorithms, Darmstadt, Germany

31 Oct. 14
PhD defense: Mayleen Lacouture on chemical programming for the web

18-19 Sep. 14
Event: Cloud Day

30 Sep. 14
Special issue on Events, Aspects, and Modularity, TOASD, Springer

8-12 Sep. 14
Conf. Paper: Lazier Imperative Programming, PPDP'14

Sep. 14
Invited talk: Adrien Lebre at "ISC Cloud", Heidelberg, Germany

25-29 Aug. 14
Conf. Paper: Locality-aware Cooperation for VM Scheduling in Distributed Clouds, Euro-Par'14

20-22 Aug. 14
Conf. Paper: Cloud Energy Broker: Towards SLA-driven Green Energy Planning for IaaS Providers, IEEE HPCC'14

11 July 14
PhD defense: Guilhem Jaber on the extension of logics using forcing

10 July 14
PhD defense: Diana Allam on secure service compositions

26 Jun. 14
Visit, talk: Jonathan Lejeune (Lip6): Resource management in the Cloud

19 Jun. 14
Prize: Jonathan Pastor wins joint 1st prize at the Grid'5000 Scale challenge

26-29 May 14
Conf. Paper: Language Support for Cloud Elasticity Management, ACM/IEEE CCGrid'14

11 May 14
PhD defense: Guillaume Le Louët on energy management in data centers

22 Apr. 14
PhD defense: Ismael Figueroa on formal approaches for correct software composition (co-supervision with E. Tanter, U. Chile)

22-26 Apr. 14
3 Conf. Papers at Modularity'14
  • Aspectual Session Types
  • JEScala: Modular Coordination with Declarative Events and Joins
  • Compositional Reasoning About Aspect Interference

26 Mar. 14
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at the Seminar on “Digital Technologies: Scale and Complexity”, Paris, France

28 Feb. 14
PhD defense: Charles Prud'homme on the structuring of constraint solvers (co-supervision with the Tasc team; Mines-Nantes, Inria, Lina)

Dec. 13
Conf. Paper: OptiPlace: designing cloud management with flexible power models through constraint programing, UCC'13

25 Sep. 13
PhD defense: Yousri Kouki on efficient Cloud applications and infrastructures

2-5 Dec. 13
2 Conf. Papers at CloudCom'13
  • Adding a Live Migration Model Into SimGrid, One More Step Toward the Simulation of Infrastructure-as-a-Service Concerns
  • Adapting workflows using generic schemas: application to the security of business processes

25 Sep. 13
PhD defense: Akram Ajouli on program transformations and modularity

24 Sep. 13
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at the "Journée Cybersécurité", Vannes, France

30 Aug. 13
Invited talk: Adrien Lebre at the "Summer School on Cloud Computing", Evry, France

22 Aug. 13
Conf. Paper: Estimating the Power Consumption of an Idle Virtual Machine, GreenCom'13

July 13
Conf. Paper: Dynamic Scalability of a Consolidation Service, Cloud'13

7 June 13
Event, talk: Julien Cohen co-organizes a Software Quality WS in Nantes; Hervé Grall presents new results on service typing

23-31 May 13
Summer school: Jacques Noyé lectures on Scala at ECJP'13

May 13
Conf. Paper: Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services, Cluster, Cloud And Grid Computing (CCGrid'13)

May 13
Project: EPOC (Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system) accepted by labex CominLabs

9 Apr. 13
PhD defense, Frederico Alvares on energy-consumption in the Cloud

2 Apr. 13
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at U. Tokyo on VM scheduling and accountability in the Cloud

March 13
Conf. Paper: A Typed Monadic Embedding of Aspects, Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'13)

28 March 13
Prize: Ismael Figueroa (co-supervision with U. Chile) wins student research competition at Modularity:aosd'13

March 13
Conf. Paper: Practical use of static composition of refactoring operations, Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC'13)

20 Feb. 13
PhD defense, Flavien Quesnel: fully distributed VM scheduling

Feb. 13
Entropy Emergence project selected as "beacon project" by ANR

18 Jan. 13
International team: REAL team with Pleiad group, UChile, accepted as an Inria Associated Team for 3 years

Jan. 2013-Jan. 2014
Visit: Takahiro Hirofuchi, researcher at AIST (Japan)

Dec. 12
Industry cooperation formalized: Groupe Sigma

Dec. 12
Journal Paper: Modular and Flexible Causality Control on the Web, Science of Computer Programming (SCP)

1 Nov. 12
New PhD student: Simon Dupond

18 Oct. 12
Event: Eco-design of software
, EMN (in French)

1 Oct. 12
Project: European IP project A4Cloud starts

1 Oct. 12
Three PhD students join Ascola: welcome to Ronan Cherrueau, Florent Marchand de Kerchove, Jonathan Pastor

Sep. 12
Book published: "Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering", Arboleda, Royer, ISTE Ltd. & John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

26-27 Sep. 12
Visit and talk: Jean-Christophe Pazzaglia, director SAP Labs Sophia Antipolis

27 Sep. 12
Invited Talk: M. Südholt at Cloud and Information Systems Day organized by I&R competitivity cluster

19 Sep. 12
PhD defense: Rémy Pottier: "Approche langage pour l’administration d’infrastructures virtualisées"

1 Sep. 12
Project: CominLabs project SecCloud starts

July 12
Visit: Prof. Éric Tanter (U. Chile), common team RAPIDS

3 July 12
Invited talk: S. Goasguen (Clemson U., Cloudstack coord.): Cloud platforms - Openstack, Opennebula, Cloudstack

June 12
Article: "Extending Type Theory with Forcing", LICS.12

June 12
Article: "Synchronization of Multiple Autonomic Control Loops: Application to Cloud Computing", Coordination.12

28-29 May
Invited talk: P. Cointe, Symposium "Concurrent Objects and Beyond"

13 May 12
Software: MSc student Ronan Cherrueau qualifies for final of 'Boost your code' competition

May 12
Project: CominPadle regional project accepted

12 Apr.
Invited talk: Meriem Ouederni: "Designing Distributed Systems : When Choreography Realisability is decidable?", Amphi Gallois

28 March
Article: "A monadic interpretation of execution levels and exceptions for AOP", Modularity: aosd'12

March 12
Journal article acc.: "Essential AOP: The A Calculus", ACM TOPLAS

March 12
Journal article acc.: "Cooperative and Reactive Scheduling in Large-Scale Virtualized Platforms with DVMS", CCPE

28 Feb.
Talk: Ralf Lämmel, U. Koblenz

Feb. 12
EIT ICT Labs project on Cloud infrastructures starts

12 Dec. 11
Visit and talk: François Taiani, U. Lancaster

14 Nov. 11
PhD defense: Abdelhakim Hannousse

22 Oct. 11
Article: "Static Analysis of Aspect Interaction and Composition in Component Models", GPCE'11

21 Oct. 11
Two PhD defenses: Ha Nguyen, Ali Assaf

Sep. 11
Book: "Aspect-Oriented, Model-Driven Software Product Lines The AMPLE Way", Cambridge University Press

July 11
ANR infra project SONGS accepted

July 11
Spin-off: EasyVirt created

June 11
ANR project RECRE accepted

8 June 11
CominLabs laboratory of excellence starts

May 11
Evaluation, AERES: A+ (best rank) in all categories

April 11
Elected: M. Südholt, chair of the AOSA

March 11
Keynote, FOAL'11: "Aspects at the crossroads of SE?!", M. Südholt

March 11
Article: "EScala: Modular Event-Driven Object Interactions in Scala", AOSD.11

Feb. 11
ANR project "Entropy" starts

Jan. 11
ANR project "COOL-IT" starts

Jan. 11
Journal article published: "Aspectizing Java Access Control", IEEE TSE

Dec. 10
Award: exceptional PhD of U. Nantes for F. Hermenier

Dec. 10
Journal article publ.: "Scoping strategies for distributed aspects", SCP

1 Nov. 10
ANR project MyCloud starts

Sep. 10
Visits: Prof. Awais Rashid (Lancaster U, UK) and Éric Tanter (U. Chile)

Aug. 10
Visits: ANR project COOL-IT selected

18 Mar. 10
Article: "A theory of distributed aspects", AOSD'10

10-12 Mar. 10
Kickoff workshop of the INRIA Associated Team RAPIDS

14 Jan. 10
N. Tabareau: 2nd price SPECIF

1 Jan. 10
ANR CESSA ("Compositional evolution of secure services with aspects") starts.

1 Jan. 10
INRIA Associated team Ascola-Pleiad group (U. Chile) created

9 Dec. 09
N. Tabareau: prix Rosemont/Demassieux de la chancellerie des universités de Paris

4 Dec. 09
J.-M. Menaud, F. Hermenier: prix de la croissance verte numérique

14-20 Nov. 09
Entropy (autonomic VM manager) presented at SC'09.

1 Nov. 09
European training program Scalus starts

24-28 Aug. 09
We organize the AOSD Summer School 09

5, 12 May 09
Open tenured position: Chaire EMN-INRIA

May 12
Project: CominPadle regional project accepted

2 Apr. 09
4 open positions at University and IUT of Nantes

March 09
Paper: "Entropy: a Consolidation Manager for Clusters" (VEE'09)

4 March 09
Paper: "Expressive scoping of distributed aspects" (AOSD'09)

Feb. 09
Paper: "Event Strictness for Components with Complex Bindings" (ISEC'09)

March 2011
COMIN laboratory of excellence selected

19-24 Jan. 09
Pr. Shigeru CHIBA, Tokyo Institute of Technology, will be present at EMN

19 Jan. 09
PhD Defense of Luis-Daniel Benavides-Navarro, EMN, 2:00 PM

1 Jan. 09
The ASCOLA research team has been formally created.

internet/news.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/01 08:09 by sudholt