18 Nov. 14
Nicolas Tabareau receives an ERC Starting Grant on homotopic type extensions for theorem proving
15 Nov. 14
Article: A Taxonomy of Domain-Specific Aspect Languages, accepted at ACM Computing Surveys
31 Oct. 14
PhD defense: Mayleen Lacouture on chemical programming for the web
8-12 Sep. 14
Conf. Paper: Lazier Imperative Programming, PPDP'14
Sep. 14
Invited talk: Adrien Lebre at "ISC Cloud", Heidelberg, Germany
25-29 Aug. 14
Conf. Paper: Locality-aware Cooperation for VM Scheduling in Distributed Clouds, Euro-Par'14
20-22 Aug. 14
Conf. Paper: Cloud Energy Broker: Towards SLA-driven Green Energy Planning for IaaS Providers, IEEE HPCC'14
11 July 14
PhD defense: Guilhem Jaber on the extension of logics using forcing
10 July 14
PhD defense: Diana Allam on secure service compositions
26 Jun. 14
Visit, talk: Jonathan Lejeune (Lip6): Resource management in the Cloud
19 Jun. 14
Prize: Jonathan Pastor wins joint 1st prize at the Grid'5000 Scale challenge
26-29 May 14
Conf. Paper: Language Support for Cloud Elasticity Management, ACM/IEEE CCGrid'14
11 May 14
PhD defense: Guillaume Le Louët on energy management in data centers
22 Apr. 14
PhD defense: Ismael Figueroa on formal approaches for correct software composition (co-supervision with E. Tanter, U. Chile)
22-26 Apr. 14
3 Conf. Papers at Modularity'14:
- Aspectual Session Types
- JEScala: Modular Coordination with Declarative Events and Joins
- Compositional Reasoning About Aspect Interference
28 Feb. 14
PhD defense: Charles Prud'homme on the structuring of constraint solvers (co-supervision with the Tasc team; Mines-Nantes, Inria, Lina)
Dec. 13
Conf. Paper: OptiPlace: designing cloud management with flexible power models through
constraint programing, UCC'13
25 Sep. 13
PhD defense: Yousri Kouki on efficient Cloud applications and infrastructures
2-5 Dec. 13
2 Conf. Papers at CloudCom'13:
- Adding a Live Migration Model Into SimGrid, One More Step Toward the Simulation of Infrastructure-as-a-Service Concerns
- Adapting workflows using generic schemas: application to the security of business processes
25 Sep. 13
PhD defense: Akram Ajouli on program transformations and modularity
24 Sep. 13
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at the "Journée Cybersécurité", Vannes, France
22 Aug. 13
Conf. Paper: Estimating the Power Consumption of an Idle Virtual Machine, GreenCom'13
July 13
Conf. Paper: Dynamic Scalability of a Consolidation Service, Cloud'13
7 June 13
Event, talk: Julien Cohen co-organizes a Software Quality WS in Nantes; Hervé Grall presents new results on service typing
23-31 May 13
Summer school: Jacques Noyé lectures on Scala at ECJP'13
May 13
Conf. Paper: Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services, Cluster, Cloud And Grid Computing (CCGrid'13)
May 13
Project: EPOC (Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system) accepted by labex CominLabs
9 Apr. 13
PhD defense, Frederico Alvares on energy-consumption in the Cloud
2 Apr. 13
Invited talk: Mario Südholt at U. Tokyo on VM scheduling and accountability in the Cloud
March 13
Conf. Paper: A Typed Monadic Embedding of Aspects, Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'13)
28 March 13
Prize: Ismael Figueroa (co-supervision with U. Chile) wins student research competition at Modularity:aosd'13
March 13
Conf. Paper: Practical use of static composition of refactoring operations, Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC'13)
20 Feb. 13
PhD defense, Flavien Quesnel: fully distributed VM scheduling
Feb. 13
Entropy Emergence project selected as "beacon project" by ANR
18 Jan. 13
International team: REAL team with Pleiad group, UChile, accepted as an Inria Associated Team for 3 years
Jan. 2013-Jan. 2014
Visit: Takahiro Hirofuchi, researcher at AIST (Japan)
Dec. 12
Journal Paper: Modular and Flexible Causality Control on the Web, Science of Computer Programming (SCP)
1 Nov. 12
New PhD student: Simon Dupond
18 Oct. 12
Event: Eco-design of software, EMN (in French)
1 Oct. 12
Project: European IP project A4Cloud starts
1 Oct. 12
Three PhD students join Ascola: welcome to Ronan Cherrueau, Florent Marchand de Kerchove, Jonathan Pastor
Sep. 12
Book published: "Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering", Arboleda, Royer, ISTE Ltd. & John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
26-27 Sep. 12
Visit and talk: Jean-Christophe Pazzaglia, director SAP Labs Sophia Antipolis
27 Sep. 12
Invited Talk: M. Südholt at Cloud and Information Systems Day organized by I&R competitivity cluster
19 Sep. 12
PhD defense: Rémy Pottier: "Approche langage pour l’administration d’infrastructures virtualisées"
1 Sep. 12
Project: CominLabs project SecCloud starts
July 12
Visit: Prof. Éric Tanter (U. Chile), common team RAPIDS
3 July 12
Invited talk: S. Goasguen (Clemson U., Cloudstack coord.): Cloud platforms - Openstack, Opennebula, Cloudstack
June 12
Article: "Extending Type Theory with Forcing", LICS.12
June 12
Article: "Synchronization of Multiple Autonomic Control Loops: Application to Cloud Computing", Coordination.12
13 May 12
Software: MSc student Ronan Cherrueau qualifies for final of 'Boost your code' competition
May 12
Project: CominPadle regional project accepted
12 Apr.
Invited talk: Meriem Ouederni: "Designing Distributed Systems : When Choreography Realisability is decidable?", Amphi Gallois
28 March
Article: "A monadic interpretation of execution levels and exceptions for AOP", Modularity: aosd'12
March 12
Journal article acc.: "Essential AOP: The A Calculus", ACM TOPLAS
March 12
Journal article acc.: "Cooperative and Reactive Scheduling in Large-Scale Virtualized Platforms with DVMS", CCPE
28 Feb.
Talk: Ralf Lämmel, U. Koblenz
12 Dec. 11
Visit and talk: François Taiani, U. Lancaster
14 Nov. 11
PhD defense: Abdelhakim Hannousse
22 Oct. 11
Article: "Static Analysis of Aspect Interaction and Composition in Component Models", GPCE'11
21 Oct. 11
Two PhD defenses: Ha Nguyen, Ali Assaf
Sep. 11
Book: "Aspect-Oriented, Model-Driven Software Product Lines The AMPLE Way", Cambridge University Press
July 11
ANR infra project SONGS accepted
July 11
Spin-off: EasyVirt created
June 11
ANR project RECRE accepted
8 June 11
CominLabs laboratory of excellence starts
May 11
Evaluation, AERES: A+ (best rank) in all categories
March 11
Keynote, FOAL'11: "Aspects at the crossroads of SE?!", M. Südholt
March 11
Article: "EScala: Modular Event-Driven Object Interactions in Scala", AOSD.11
Feb. 11
ANR project "Entropy" starts
Jan. 11
ANR project "COOL-IT" starts
Jan. 11
Journal article published: "Aspectizing Java Access Control", IEEE TSE
Dec. 10
Award: exceptional PhD of U. Nantes for F. Hermenier
Dec. 10
Journal article publ.: "Scoping strategies for distributed aspects", SCP
1 Nov. 10
ANR project MyCloud starts
Sep. 10
Visits: Prof. Awais Rashid (Lancaster U, UK) and Éric Tanter (U. Chile)
Aug. 10
Visits: ANR project COOL-IT selected
18 Mar. 10
Article: "A theory of distributed aspects", AOSD'10
14 Jan. 10
N. Tabareau: 2nd price SPECIF
1 Jan. 10
ANR CESSA ("Compositional evolution of secure
services with aspects") starts.
1 Jan. 10
INRIA Associated team Ascola-Pleiad group (U. Chile) created
9 Dec. 09
N. Tabareau: prix Rosemont/Demassieux de la chancellerie des universités de Paris
14-20 Nov. 09
Entropy (autonomic VM manager) presented at SC'09.
1 Nov. 09
European training program Scalus starts
May 12
Project: CominPadle regional project accepted
2 Apr. 09
4 open positions at University and IUT of Nantes
March 09
Paper: "Entropy: a Consolidation Manager for Clusters" (VEE'09)
4 March 09
Paper: "Expressive scoping of distributed aspects" (AOSD'09)
Feb. 09
Paper: "Event Strictness for Components with Complex Bindings" (ISEC'09)
March 2011
COMIN laboratory of excellence selected
19-24 Jan. 09
Pr. Shigeru CHIBA, Tokyo Institute of Technology, will be present at EMN
19 Jan. 09
PhD Defense of Luis-Daniel Benavides-Navarro, EMN, 2:00 PM
1 Jan. 09
The ASCOLA research team has been formally created.