(Difference between revisions)
(MELO 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes?)
(MELO 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes?)
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* Model Checking,
* Model Checking,
* Model Optimization,
* Model Optimization,
* Using Constraint Programming or OR to compute Software Product Line solutions,
* Using Constraint Programming or Operational Research to compute Software Product Line solutions,
* Using MDE to represent Software Product Line problems and solutions,
* Using MDE to represent Software Product Line problems and solutions,
* Comparing combination of MDE and Constraint Programming/OR for Software Product Line.
* Comparing combination of MDE and Constraint Programming/Operational Research for Software Product Line.

Current revision as of 11:58, 18 February 2011

MELO 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes?


The main goal of this workshop is to bring together two different communities: the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) community and the logic programming community, to explore how each community can benefit from the techniques of the other. We refer to the logic programming community in a broad sense (i.e. including Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming but also ontology and semantic web aspects).

The widesepread application of MDE in all kinds of domains (e.g. critical sytems, software product lines, embedded systems,...) has triggered the need of new techniques to solve optimization, visualization, verification, configuration,... problems at the model level. Instead of reinventing the wheel, most of these problemes could be solved by reexpressing the modeling problem as a logic programming problem. As an example, verification (satisfiability) of large static models can be addressed by reexpressing the model as a constraint satisfaction problem to be solved by state-of-the-art constraint solvers.

Similarly, logic programming can benefit from the integration of MDE principles. As in any other domain, introduction of MDE would help to raise the abstraction level at which the problem is described (e.g. by providing domain-specific languages that allow non-technical users to specify the problem using a vocabulary closer to the domain), improve the separation of concerns by using different model-based views of the problem at different levels of detail, achieve tool independence (e.g. by following a typical Platform Independent Model - Platform Specific Model separation where, for instance, at the Platform Independent Model level we could define tool-independent logic programming metamodels), increase reusability, ... We believe the workshop will attract researchers and practitioners in all the above areas.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Modeling and generation of constraint problems,
  • Interoperability between constraint technical spaces,
  • Constraint metamodels,
  • Constraint Independent Model-Platform Independent Model-Platform Specific Model for Constraint Logic Programming,
  • Domain Specific Languages for Constraint Logic Programming,
  • Semantics of Business Vocabularies & Business Rules (SBVR),
  • Business Process Modeling Notation(BPMN),
  • MDE in satisfaction and planning problems,
  • Model Checking,
  • Model Optimization,
  • Using Constraint Programming or Operational Research to compute Software Product Line solutions,
  • Using MDE to represent Software Product Line problems and solutions,
  • Comparing combination of MDE and Constraint Programming/Operational Research for Software Product Line.

Participants and Paper Selection

Technical papers describing original solutions, empirical evaluation papers and experience/industrial papers presenting problems or challenges encountered in practice are welcome.

There are three types of papers: position papers (5 pages), short papers (up to 8 pages) and full papers (up to 16 pages). Prepare your submission using A4 size compliant with the LNCS paper style and submit it as a PDF file. Easychair will be used as submission system.

The program committee will review the submissions (minimum 2 reviews per paper) and select papers according to their relevance and interest for discussions that will take place at the workshop.

Plans for dissemination

Accepted papers will be first published online in the workshop web page. It is planned that the final versions of accepted papers will be published as online proceedings on the CEUR Workshop Proceedings publication service.
