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Tuesday, July 4th, Nantes (France)
First Workshop on Languages and Execution Support for Grid Application Development




Since many years, a wide range of models and tools for the development, deployment, execution and management of distributed applications and services are being developed. In the meantime, the grid computing concept has turned into reality with the availability of some infrastructures.

Grids are providing a challenging, interesting, but complex area for the development of parallel and distributed applications with specific requirements (on communication, concurrence, middleware etc..). A relevant research effort is thus needed to investigate innovative grid infrastructures from languages to platforms execution.

The objective of this one-day workshop is to gather researchers from the high-performance computing, distributed systems, middleware and language communities to discuss the challenges and propose novel solutions in the design and implementation for the development of grid applications and/or grid systems.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Models, abstractions, languages for grid applications development

* Object-Oriented, Reflective and Aspect-Oriented grid systems

* Virtualization and emulation for grids

* Distributed debugging for large scale computing

* Deployment models and tools

* Architectures of grid-oriented applications


LESGAD'06 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. LESGAD'06 also encourages the submission of outstanding "work-in-progress" papers. Authors are invited to submit papers of not more than 6 pages in IEEE format (10pt font, two-columns, single-spaced). Authors should submit a PostScript (level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. Send your paper to Jean-Marc.Menaud@emn.fr and Christian.Perez@inria.fr


Registration of workshop participants has to be done in two mandatory steps:

  1. Prospective attendees are requested to submit a paper on a topic relevant to the workshop to Jean-Marc Menaud or Christian Perez. Submissions are demanded to be in .pdf format. The position papers will be made available for downloading from the workshop website. Technical as well as throught provoking submissions are wellcomed.
  2. Register on the ECOOP 2006 web site either as a worskhop-only attendee or as a regular attendee. The latter includes access to workshops and to the main conference.



Organizers of the workshop
Jean-Marc Menaud Ecole des Mines de Nantes (France) Primary Contact
Christian Perez INRIA (France) Primary Contact
Pierre Kuonen EIA-FR (Suisse)  
Ludovic Henrio INRIA (France)  



Important Dates:

  1. Position papers due 1 April 2006.
  2. Notification of acceptance: 1 May 2006.