Pierre Cointe Pierre.Cointe_at_emn.fr |
Pierre Cointe is a Full Professor
of Computer Science at the École des Mines de Nantes (EMN). He is the head of the research lab LINA (Laboratoire de Nantes
Atlantique, UMR 6241) bringing together the CNRS, the University of Nantes and
EMN. Prior to this position, he was the team leader of the OBASCO (OBjects,
ASpects and COmponents) INRIA project from 2002 to 2008, the former head and
creator of the EMN Computer Science department. From 1995 to 1999, he was also
the head of a join research lab between EMN and OTI/IBM working on the Smalltalk
and Java technologies leading to the IS2T
(Embedded Java VM) spinoff in Nantes.
Pierre Cointe received his Thèse d'Etat in Computer Sciences at the University of Paris-6 and IRCAM in 1984 for his thesis on « Implémentation and interpretation of OO languages ». He has been with University Paris 6 (1979-1981), IRCAM (1981-1986), the Centre Mondial de l'Informatique (1986-1987) and Rank Xerox France (1987-1992).
His main scientific contributions
are in the field of programming languages and software engineering. He
contributed to the implementations of functional (ALisp, VLisp and EuLisp) and
object-oriented programming languages (Smalltalk and Plasma). Then he moved to
computer music to design the FORMES language, one of the first concurrent
object-oriented language applied to music composition, sound synthesis and
analysis. In the same time, he applied the object-oriented techniques to the
field of reflective languages and metalevel architectures (ObjVlisp, CLOS and
ClassTalk). More recently he contributed to Aspect Oriented Programming
(participating to the AOSD-Europe NoE
and summer school) and
Domain Specific Languages (coordinating the ANR FLFS).
He is one
of the European pioneers of Object-Oriented languages and has served for the
main scientific conferences in the field. He is the co-creator of the European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 1987 in Paris) and as such the
first president of the AITO executive board
(1992-2001). He was the co-chair of the join ACM OOPSLA-ECOOP 1990 in Ottawa,
the program chair of ECOOP 1996 in Linz and again the conference co-chair of ECOOP 2006 in Nantes. He also
served as the program chair of the ACM REFLECTION 1999 in Saint Malo.
My principal publications are available on DBLP, on Microsoft academic research or here.
Committee memberships
Images et Réseaux cluster CSV (in
charge of the software engineering expertise).
Doctorale Matisse
CNRS GDR GPL scientific committee.
and LMO steering committees.
École des Mines de Nantes – LINA – La Chantrerie - 4, rue Alfred Kastler
BP 20722 - 44307
Nantes Cedex 03 - France
Tel. +33 2 51 12 58 06
(University) and +33 2 51 85 82 02 (EMN)
Fax +33 2 51 85 82 49 (EMN)