Criteria from OSI Guide to Institutional Repository Software v3.0

Feature  &  Functionality  Table

Feature Castore

Technical  Specifications

1.0  Standards  Information

1.1  OAI PMH  version  supported OAI : 1.1
1.2  Z39.50  protocol  compliant : version 1.2 (planned)
1.3  Open  source  license : CeCiLL
1.4  Latest  version  release  date : June 2006
1.5  Latest  version  number : 1.2

2.0  Hardware  

2.1  Minimum  hardware  requirements : No  specific  requirements
2.2  SAN  support : ?

3.0  Software

3.1  Operating  system  (tested) : Linux/Windows/Solaris
3.2  Programming  language : Java
3.3  Database : Many (tested with Oracle and MySQL)
3.4  Web  server : Any Apache
3.5  Java  servlet  engine : Tomcat  4.x
3.6  Search  engine : Lucene
3.7  Other :  OAICat, Struts, Ant, Tomcat, Lucene,, Saxon, Fop, JDO (Kodo or JPox), Jcharts

4.0  Clients  supported

Any  browser  with  minimal   CSS  & Javascript  support
(Netscape, Mozilla, IE, Firefox, ...). Firefox is recommended.

5.0  Staff  requirements

5.1  UNIX  systems  administrator : Yes
5.2  Java  programmer : No
5.3  PERL  programmer : No
5.4  Python  programmer : No

6.0  Installed  base

6.1  Number  of  installations : 2 - 5
6.2  Geographic  coverage : France

Repository  &  System  Administration

7.0  Set up/ Installation

7.1  Automated  installation  script : yes (windows auto install)
7.2  System  update  script : yes (SGBD update script included)
7.3  Update  system  update  without  overwriting customized  features : Yes

8.0  Module level  API(s) : Yes

9.0  User  registration, authentication  &  password  administration

9.1  Password  administration : Yes (LDAP)
9.1.1  System assigned  passwords : Possible
9.1.2  User  selected  passwords : No (LDAP)
9.1.3  Forgotten  password  function : No

9.2  User  registration  verification/ Other  security  mechanisms : LDAP / server sessions
9.2.1  Edit  user  profile : No

9.3  Limit  Access  by  User  Type : Yes
9.4  Multiple  Authentication  Methods : Yes
9.5  Limit  Access  at  File : Yes

10.0  Content  Submission  Administration

10.1  Define  multiple  collections  within  same  instance  of system : Yes
10.1.2  Home  page  for  each  collection : N/A
10.1.1  Set  different  submission  parameters  for  each collection : No

10.2  Submission  Stages : Pending, Approved, Submit,  Revise 
10.2.1  Segregated  submission  workspace :
10.2.2  Submission  roles :
Administrators (~Librarians)
Validators (~ Reviewers)
10.2.3  Configurable  submission  roles  within collections : No

10.3  Submission  Support :
10.3.1  Email  notification  for  submitters : No
10.3.2  Email  notification  for  content administrators : No
10.3.3  Personalized  system  access  for  registered  users : Yes  View  pending  content  submissions : Yes  View  approved  content : Yes  View  pending  content  administration tasks : Yes
10.3.4  Distribution  license  Request  distribution  license : Yes  Store  distribution  license  with  content : No

11.0  System  generated  usage  statistics  and  reports

11.1  System generated  usage  statistics : Yes
11.2  Usage  reports : Yes

Content  Management

12.0  Content  Import/ Export

12.1  Upload  compressed  files : yes
12.2  Upload  from  existing  URL : No
12.3  Volume  import  for  objects : yes
12.4  Volume  import  for  metadata : No
12.5  Volume  export/ content  portability : No

13.0  Document/ Object  Formats

13.1  Approved  file  format  function : yes.
13.2  File  formats  ingested : doc sxw html for text documents / multiples video/iimage/sound formats for medias documents

14.0  Metadata

14.1  Metadata  schema  supported : Dublin  Core Standard
14.2  Support  for  extended  metadata : Yes
14.3  Metadata  review  support : yes
14.5  Disallow  metadata  harvesting : Yes
14.6  Add/ delete  metadata  fields : Yes
14.7  Set  default  values  for  metadata : Yes
13.3  Submitted  items  can  comprise  multiple  files
14.8  Supports  Unicode  character  set  for  metadata

15.0  Real time  updating  and  indexing  of  accepted content : Yes

Dissemination  (User  Interface  &  Search  Functionality)

16.0  User  Interface

16.1  Modify  interface  look  &  feel : Yes
16.2  Apply  a  custom  header/ footer  to  static  or dynamic  pages : possible
16.3  Supports  multiple  language  interfaces : Yes
16.4  End  user  document  folders : Yes
16.5  Discussion  forum  support : No

17.0  Search  Capability

17.1  Full  text : Yes
17.1.1  Boolean  logic : Yes
17.1.2  Truncation/ wildcards : Yes
17.1.3  Word  stemming : No

17.2  Search  all  descriptive  metadata : Yes
17.2.1  Boolean  logic : Yes
17.2.2  Truncation/ wildcards : Yes
17.2.3  Word  stemming : Yes

17.3  Search  selected  metadata  fields : Yes

17.4  Browse
17.4.1  By  author : No
17.4.2  By  title : Yes (personnal documents)
17.4.3  By  issue  date : No
17.4.4  By  subject  term : No
17.4.5  By  collection : Yes

17.5  Sort  search  results
17.5.1  By  author : No
17.5.2  By  title : No
17.5.3  By  issue  date : No
17.5.4  By  relevance : Yes
17.5.5  By  other : No

18.0  Indexed  by  Google/ Other  Search  Engines : Possible


19.0  Persistent  document  identification

19.1  System assigned  identifiers : Yes
19.2  CNRI  Handles : No

20.0  Data  preservation  support

20.1  Defined  digital  preservation  strategy
20.2  Preservation  metadata  support  (see  also  14.2)
20.3  Data  integrity : No

21.0  Object  history/ Version  control : Linear

System Maintenance

22.0  System  support

22.1  Documentation/ manual :Yes
22.2  Listserv : Yes
22.3  Bug  track/ feature  request  system : Yes
22.4  Formal  support/ help  desk : no